Pornstar Platinum has a standard fee of $24.95 per 30 days of access. However, if you sign up today you’ll receive a 50% price cut. That means you’ll pay just $12.45 for your first month of membership. After your initial 30 days have expired, your membership will convert to full price. To avoid this price increase you might want to consider the 90-day subscription for $59.95. With this plan your average monthly cost is reduced to $19.99 which is a savings of 20% each month. For those bargain seekers who are looking to maximize their savings, a 1-year membership is the only way to go. For a single payment of $89.95, you’ll gain access to Pornstar Platinum for 365 days. Choose this plan and you’ll save 70% off regular price and your average cost per 30 days is cut to just $7.50.